Wednesday, May 5, 2010

On the left is the old look. On the right I added burgundy to the cabin sides. I mixed Pettit red with Pettit Burgundy.While I was at it I repainted the stripe behind the name. I tried roll and tip, but I did not like the brush strokes it left. So I went with just rolling. I t came out fairly smooth. If I decide to get ambitous I'll wet sand. But let's face it the boat is 30 years old and will never look new.

Cockpit is finished. I repaired wet core. Painted the vertical surfaces with Pettit semi gloss white. The horizontal surfaces were painted first with Interlux gray anti-skid. I found out the hard way that this is really hot in the sun and was reminded how hot when I was taping the surfaces prior to painting. So I covered the dark gray anti-skid with Pettit pearl gray top coat. While I was at it did the rest of the deck.